Septic System Inspection

A septic system inspection is a comprehensive process that involves several key components to ensure the proper functioning and maintenance of the septic system.


One crucial aspect of the inspection is the pump-out of the septic tank. The septic tank serves as the primary treatment unit where solid waste and wastewater from the household are stored and partially decomposed. Over time, the accumulation of solid waste and sludge in the tank can hinder its efficiency and potentially lead to system failure. Pumping out the tank involves removing the accumulated sludge and scum, which helps restore the tank’s capacity and functionality.


In addition to the septic tank pump-out, the inspection also includes checking the distribution box (D-Box). The distribution box is a vital component of the septic system responsible for evenly distributing the wastewater effluent from the septic tank to the drain field or leach field. During the inspection, the distribution box is examined to ensure that it is in good condition, free from any blockages, and effectively distributing the wastewater to the drain field.


Another critical aspect of the septic system inspection is verifying that the drain field or leach field is properly infiltrating the wastewater. The drain field is the final stage of the septic system, where the treated effluent is dispersed into the soil for further purification. Inspecting the drain field involves assessing its functionality by checking for any signs of standing water, odors, or surfacing of effluent. These indications could suggest a failure in the drain field, such as clogging or hydraulic overload, which may require remedial action.


Furthermore, a location sketch of the septic system’s layout is typically included as part of the inspection process. You do not want to park, garden or build on these locations. This sketch provides an overview of the septic system’s components, including the septic tank, distribution box, and drain field, as well as their relative positions on the property. It serves as a visual reference for understanding the system’s layout, enabling future inspections, maintenance, and potential repairs to be conducted more efficiently. The location sketch can be beneficial for homeowners, septic service providers, and regulatory authorities, as it ensures accurate documentation of the septic system’s configuration.


By incorporating these essential steps into a septic system inspection, property owners can proactively assess the system’s condition, identify any potential issues, and undertake necessary maintenance or repairs. Regular inspections are crucial for preventing septic system failures, protecting public health and the environment, and maximizing the lifespan and efficiency of the septic system.


Consider using a contractor familiar with the system. Ask the seller who they have used in the past to pump out the septic tank. Usually septic contractors keep a file on house address, including sketches of the components locations.