After the Inspection, Buyer Follow-up

A home inspector plays a crucial role in the home buying process by thoroughly assessing the condition of a property. While the initial inspection provides valuable insights, follow-up questions to the home inspector can further enhance your understanding of the home’s condition and help you make informed decisions. Here are a few reasons why follow-up questions to a home inspector hold value.


Follow-up questions allow you to seek clarification on any issues or concerns identified during the inspection. You can gain a better understanding of the severity of the problem, potential implications, and recommended courses of action. This clarification can help you determine if the issues are deal-breakers or manageable with appropriate repairs or maintenance.

Negotiation Leverage

In some cases, the findings from a home inspection can provide leverage for negotiating the purchase price or requesting repairs. By asking the home inspector detailed questions about specific issues, you can gather evidence or expert opinions to support your negotiation efforts. This can be particularly useful if significant repairs or safety concerns are identified.

Long Term Planning

Supplemental questions to the home inspector can help you assess the long-term implications of certain issues. For example, if the inspector identifies signs of a potential roofing problem, you can inquire about the estimated lifespan of the roof and when you might need to plan for a replacement. This information can assist you in making future financial and maintenance plans.

Maintenance Recommendations

A home inspector can offer guidance on routine maintenance and preventive measures specific to the property. By asking follow-up questions, you can gather valuable insights on how to maintain the home properly, prolong its lifespan, and prevent future issues. This information can assist you in creating a comprehensive maintenance plan.

Cost Estimates

Remember, home inspectors are NOT allowed to provide cost estimates. But, by asking follow-up questions, you can gather additional information about the cost implications of repairs or renovations. Real estate agents often have short listed contractors who can provide estimates for addressing identified issues. Understanding the potential costs involved can help you evaluate the overall financial feasibility of purchasing the property.


While home inspectors are trained professionals, they may not have expertise in every aspect of home construction or maintenance. If you have questions beyond their scope of expertise, the inspection report will refer you to specialized professionals or suggest further evaluations by specialists. It’s always a good idea to consult with the appropriate professionals for specific concerns that require expert knowledge, such as structural engineering, hazardous material, air quality, slope stability, or pest control.